Scroll through a sample of our initiatives, or go directly to a particular year by clicking on these buttons.


Wantaim PNG is established

A chance meeting in 2007 led to Lynne connecting for the first time with her PNG mother and 7 siblings.


Solar and rechargeable batteries

A pilot was established to use solar and rechargeable batteries as an alternative to single use batteries.


Youth Development – Project Aware

Training OCA diving teams to
conduct reef monitoring and check
the health of reefs using Project
Aware card system

May 2008

How to Freedive safely

We trained 75 local divers on Rambutso Island to learn signing under water and the need to dive in pairs to dive safely and save lives. It was only 5 weeks later that the first life was saved due to the training.

May 2008

Community Water Tanks

We installed Water Tanks in Panuselu and Penchal villages to collect rainwater for anyone to use.
This initiative added 4,000 Gallons to water storage capacity in Rapatona LLG.

Aug 2008

First Aid Training

With the assistance of Australian Volunteer GP Dr Jessica Green, we trained 30 people in Rambutso in First Aid.

October 2008

Books to ECOM Secondary High School

We delivered 500kgs of books to ECOM Secondary High School with support from Rotary’s Ranfurly library

November 2008 or 2009???

Child Development Screening project

Training was provided to Panselu Health Centre staff by Australian volunteers to assess if the under 2 year olds were developing according to age and how to perform basic remedial treatment


School books

500kgs of books were delivered, this time to Loamat Primary School with the support of Rotary’s Ranfurly library.

March 2009

Community awaress on climate change

Wantaim PNG hosted climate change Scientists Dr Helen McGregor and Dr Javier Leon from University of Wollongong, The Hon. Ian Cohen, Greens, and Peta Leemen from DFAT PNG, for a community awareness initiative on the impact on climate change and the importance of reefs for protection.


Community Kitchens

Funding was secured to build two haus kuks with women’s groups in Lenkau and Penchal


Village Water tanks

Water tanks were installed in the villages of Popeu, Pukal, Kasma and Pusu in Rapatona LLG, adding another 4000 Gallons to water storage capacity.


Mentoring sessions

Using the Clontarf Foundatioin’s mentoring program, awareness sessions were brought to all 14 villages in Rambutso.




Training in furniture building

We delivered a train the trainer programme in furniture building without the need for nails, screws or glue which can be a rare commodity. 800kg of donated tools were collected and restored, and the men from 5 communities returned to their villages with knowledge to share.


Friends of Rambutso became Wantaim PNG

To recognise its wider significance and reach, Friends of Rambutso changed its name to Wantaim PNG.


Composting Toilet


A pilot programme trained the locals on Bundrou island in the importance of toilets to the environment, how to clean and maintain the toilets, and the building with traditional methods and materials. This resulted in six Clivus Multrum composting toilets installed on Bundrou island.

September 2017

Women learning sewing

Hamamas Meri Training

Working in partnership with village women’s groups and community leaders to provide training and support and improve the accessibility of safe, hygenic feminine hygiene products.


Lap Lang facility

The Lap Lang facility was built on Manus for the training of women in such matters as hygiene, using sewing machines and making feminine hygiene kits. Women from distant villages are able to sleep over in the facility during training.


Covid Soap

Every family on Manus island received information about handwashing techniques and bars of soap

Late 2021

Two locals doing a COVID safe elbow bump.

Covid vaccinations

Covid was rife and misinformation was widespread. We worked in partnership with Dr Gabriel and during 2 months educated villagers about vaccinations, resulting in the vaccination rates increased dramatically.

June 2022

Soccer tournament

Wantaim PNG organised a highly successful soccer tournament with the condition that all players had had their Covid vaccination. As a result  many participants were vaccinated and went back to their villages to assure family and friends how safe the vaccination was.

July 2022

ECOM Women’s annual convention

The Hamamas Meri team is invited to provide sexual health training to over 500 attendees.

April 2023

Pihi Manus and Admiralty Boxing academy

WPNG brokers a partnership with Pihi Manus and the Admiralty Boxing academy. Under the agreement, WPNG helps source boxing equipment in return for lawn mowing at the Pihi Manus facility to improve security.

May 2023

Strategic partner to Pihi Manus

Ulu Hansel, The Pihi Manus President announces the appointment of WPNG as a strategic partner. This is an acknowledgement of the alignment of missions of the two organisations and the shared commitment to advancing women’s interest in Manus.

May 2023

Hamamas Meri relocating to Manus

Recognising the new leadership at Pihi Manus, the 6 year initiative from Turramurra Hamamas Meri is being relocated to Manus. 28 teachests of supplies are handed to WPNG for shipment to PNG.

June 2023

Fencing at Pihi Manus facility

Repairs to the fencing around Pihi Manus is complete and the propert and women are secure once more.

June 2023

Boxing equipment delivered

Through the kindness of the Rotary Club of Manly, Joes Boxing Club and Southside Boxing Gym, $15,000 worth of boxing equipment is shipped from Australia to PNG by Clough and delivered to Admiralty Boxing Academy – a massive boost for a province with a long and successful afiliation with the sport.